ハリコンWelcome Partyレポ(後日整理します) – Translation of my rough summary of HollyCon21 Welcome Party

Please check below for the translation of my summary about HollyCon21 Welcome Party.

ハリコンWelcome party Q&Aまとめ (メモと記憶を元に書き起こしているので細かな違いがある可能性があります🙇‍♀️一部もう他の方がきちんと書いている部分もあるのでぜひそちらを参考にされてください。[ ]は私の補足です)

司会者さん: これだけ大勢の日本のファンに囲まれてきたわけですが、そろそろ日本人ファンの声援に慣れて来られたでしょうか?
マッツ: デンマークには日本人が少ないからまだ全然慣れていないよ。

(京都の話。残された者のプレミア時と類似の内容なのでメモしてないですが、「京都は暖かかった[warm]ですか?」という質問に”warmどころかhotだったよ”というニュアンスの表情で”warmer [より暖かかった]”とニヤッと答えていたのを覚えています。すごく暑そうでしたもんね)

司: 富士山の話も出ていたようで。
マッツ: 富士山には今回行っていないよ。でもいつかは行きたいと思ってる。

司: ファンから「可愛い」と言われることもあるようですが、それにはどう思われていますか?
マッツ: 「はい」[日本語で。おそらく”可愛いと言われることもある”の部分に応えて]。色々な声をもらうことは嬉しく思う。だからまた日本に戻ってこないとね。

司: マッツさんから観客の皆さんに聞いてみたいことありますか?例えばどの作品、どの役が好きかとか…
マッツ: 僕から?![かなり迷って]日本にはこんなに美味しいお店がいっぱいあるのに、なんで太ってる人がいないのか。デンマークだったら2倍の太さになってるよ!

司: 日本の食べ物がお好きなんですね?
マッツ: 大好き。[likeではなくlove]

司: 会場の皆さんからの質問を受け付けたいと思うのですが。マッツさん選んでくれますか?
マッツ: 僕?!僕が選んでしまうと僕が悪いやつってことになっちゃうから[当たらなかった人にとって]選ぶ悪役は君[司会者さん]がするんだよ。

質問: デスストでマッツさんは歌っていましたが、今後また機会があれば歌ったりミュージカルに出たりしてみたいという気持ちはありますか?
マッツ: 僕が歌えるのはあの歌だけだよ。お客さんからお金をもらって歌う歌は僕にはちょっとできないかな。[もう少し話されていた気がします]

質問: 小島監督のデスストに出演されていますが、今後他のゲームに出演する機会があれば参加したいですか?
マッツ: 小島秀夫さんは[フルネーム呼びだった]はゲーム界のゴットファーザー、偉大な方だから、もし他の人のゲームに参加するとなるともっと下のレベル[はしごの下の方; lower part of the ladder的に言われていた]から始めないといけなくなる。だから次もしゲームに参加するとしたら、やはり小島監督の作品がいいな。

質問: ハンニバルの脚本を読むときに辞書をかなり引いたという話を聞いたことがあ流のですが、英語はどうやって身につけられたのでしょうか?
マッツ: 北欧ではかなり小さい時から英語を学ぶから、英語はもうある程度使えてたんだ。ただハンニバルには医学用語、心理学用語、日本語にイタリア語、、とかなり多様な言葉が使われていたから、だからそれを調べるのに辞書をいっぱい引かないといけなかったんだよ。

質問: 最近また子供と一緒にアメリカを横断するロードムービーの新作の話があると聞いていますが、それについてどのような気持ちでいらっしゃいますか?
マッツ: 確かにそれは予定されている。それはAlexander Payne監督の作品。13歳の娘と旅をする男の話だ。昔ながらのロードトリップ作品で、面白くて美しい映画。

質問: 何か人生に影響を及ぼしたようなセリフってありますか?
マッツ: [結構迷って]どの宗教にも似たような言葉はあると思うんだけど、僕がクリスチャンから学んだ言葉で、別に信じてるんじゃなくて僕が美しいと思う言葉にすぎないんだけど。「人にしてもらいたいと思うことは何でも、あなたがたも人にしなさい」かな。[ここ調べました。”do to others what you would have them do to you”マタイによる福音書 7 章 12 節です。メモに”do to others..”と書いてるのでこの文章そのままで合ってるはず]

質問: 来年オリンピックがありますが、どの競技に興味がありますか?また、どの国を応援しますか?
マッツ: デンマークだよ、これは絶対。見る競技は全部。特に陸上と、あとは器械体操を以前やってたから器械体操を。あとはバドミントンだね、デンマークが誇る競技だから。

マッツ: [質問者として女性がまた選ばれたことに対し]男選ばないの?
司: えっ…男性の方…
マッツ: いや言ってみただけだよ。



質問: 残された者の撮影で一番苦しかったのは何ですか?裏話みたいなものがあれば。
マッツ: It was cold! [会場笑] あとは風だね。時折台風[日本を意識してかtyphoonと言ってくれてた]のような強い風が襲ってきてどこにも移動できず大変だった。あるときは車のドアを開いたらそのドアが飛ばされて。ただいい面もあって。映画の絵面としてはとてもいいんだ笑

その後抽選会があり、チケット半券の番号を呼ぶ際、全て日本語で読み上げてくれるマッツ。”Japanese is so easy”と言いつつ少し苦戦しながら読み上げ。時折チケ半券を取りすぎて戻したり「これ読むの難しい」と半券を戻そうとしたり半券をおでこにくっつけて通訳さんに読んでもらったり発表前のドラムロールを真似してマイクを箱に小刻みに打ちつけたりボイスパーカッションをしたり、、ひたすら色んな種類の可愛いマッツを見せてくれる天国でした😇😇




Here is the translation of my rough summary of the HollyCon21 Welcome Party. As it was not allowed to take videos during the session, below is not a precise translation of what really happened but just a summary based on my memory and memo I took during the party. So please note I cannot assure the contents below. [ ] is my explanation.

Moderator (M): You’ve been surrounded by those many Japanese fans of yours so far. Are you getting accustomed to the cheers from Japanese fans?

Mads: No. There are few Japanese in Denmark, so I’m still not accustomed to them at all. 


[Talks about the Kyoto trip before the Arctic Japan premier and the HollyCon21. For this part, I didn’t take note because they were similar to those in the Arctic premier. Only one thing I remember is his response to a question “Was it warm in Kyoto?” and that was: “*grins* It was warmer”, implying it was far more warm, rather hot, in Kyoto. I weelll know what you meant, Mads!]


M: You even mentioned to Mt. Fuji, right?

Mads: No. I’ve not been there. But I’d like to go there someday.


M: Your fans sometimes describe you “cute” or “adorable”. 

Mads: はい [“Yes” in Japanese]

M: What do you think about that?

Mads: I’m really happy many fans have various impressions of me. [Sorry I forgot this part] I should come back to Japan again!


M: Do YOU have any questions to your fans? Like which film or which role do they like..

Mads: From me?! [Thinking for a while] You have a lot of good restaurants in Japan, but why are you so slim? If it were Denmark, I’d be twice as big as now! 


M: Do you like Japanese food?

Mads: I love it!


M: Now I’d like to accept questions from your fans. Could you choose someone by yourself?

Mads: Me?! If I choose someone, I become a bad guy. So you should become the bad guy instead. 


Fan: You sung a song in the trailer of Death Stranding.

Mads: はい [Yes]

Fan: If you have any opportunities, would you like to sing a song or to play a role in musicals?

Mads: The only song I can sing is that one. I think I can’t do that to earn money from others. [He talked a bit more but sorry I don’t remember]


Fan: You’ve played a role in Death Stranding. If you have other opportunities to join other game projects in the future, would you do that?

Mads: Hideo Kojima-san [I remember he called his full name!] is a godfather, a great figure in the game world. So if I were to join another game project of others, it means I should go down the ladder and it’s difficult. So if I do another game project, it will be probably with him. 


Fan: I’ve heard you looked in dictionaries many times when you read the script of Hannibal. How did you learn English? Any tips? [As many Japanese are struggling learning English]

Mads: In scandinavia, we learn English from very young. So I was already able to use English at that time. But there were a lot of special terms in the script, like medical terms, psychological terms, Italian, Japanese, … So I needed to check those terms with dictionaries many times. 


Fan: I’ve heard of your new film, which is a roadmovie and you and your child will travel together by car in America. What do you feel about that?

Mads: It’s true. It’s a Alexander Payne’s film and is about a man who travels with 13 years old daughter. The story is funny and beautiful. It’s a classic road movie, which is Alexander Payne is master of. So I look forward to starting the film with him.


Fan: Is there any line which changed your life, affects you a lot? 

Mads: [Thinking for a while] I think every religion has similar sayings, but there is a line which I know from Christianity. I don’t mean I believe it, I just think it’s beautiful… and it’s “do to others what you would have them do to you”.


Fan: In 2020, we’ll have the Olympic. Which Olympic sport are you interested in? And which country will you cheer?

Mads: I always cheer for Denmark! I watch every sports. I’m a big fan of track-and-fields, and gymnastics as I used to be a gymnast. Also badminton because Denmark is really good at it.


M: (Chose another female fan)

Mads: No men?

M: Men…

Mads: Ah, it’s okay, okay *laugh*

[Considering there were much less male fans out there, I think it’s inevitable.]


Fan: What is the most challenging part of filming “Arctic”? Any behind stories?

Mads: It was very cold.

Audience: *laughs*

Mads: And the storm. Sometimes there was so strong wind like typhoon we just couldn’t move in the middle of nowhere. One day, when we opened the door of our car, the wind blew it off. So wind is a big enemy, but it’s also a very good friend because it looks really well in the film. 

[End of the Q&A session] 


After the session, there was a lottery session using the stubs of our tickets. Mads chose stubs from a box and read aloud the number IN JAPANESE with the help from the interpreter. We were all smiling listening his cute (sorry Mads if you don’t like we call it like that but we really love that!) Japanese. Sometimes he murmured “Japanese is easy”, or tried to return a stub he had chosen to the box jokingly saying “It’s difficult..” (and stopped by the interpreter), or put the stub on his forehead after licking it and asked the interpreter to read it aloud, or started voice percussions like drumrolls, etc. We were almost dying from this series of his cuteness! 


He also did autographs on the prizes before giving them to the winners. When he signed a big tapestry of Arctic, he accidentally did it on the backside of it, so he ended up doing autographs on both sides. 


After the lottery session, we had the opportunity to take a group photo with Mads at each table! As we were told we could ask a pose for Mads, we discussed about it before our turn came, looking up (and cheering at) the big screens which simultaneously showed Mads making adorable, cool, or funny poses at other tables. It was really fun and lovely moments surrounding Mads with lots fans!


After taking group photos, Mads came back to the stage with a big smile, shooting us with his smartphone! We cheered at him a lot and Mads gestured us to make it even more loud and also threw kisses😘 which was enough effective to make us cheer wildly. I hope Mads will remember us again and again watching the video! 


At the last moment of the party, he said like “You all are amazing! Hopefully I can see you most of you tomorrow again!” “ありがとう!” [“Thank you” in Japanese] and left the room waving his hand.


It was a wonderful party and I enjoyed every moment seeing & listening to Mads! 🥰 Big thank-you to Mads and Hollywood Collectors’ Convention team!


You can also check some photos from the party at HollyCon’s website