デススト第4弾動画の英語と考察 Reverse translation of Death Stranding Japanese trailer

日本時間の今朝E3で公開されたDeath Strandingの新トレーラー、日本語字幕版が来るとのことですがupは後日のようなので、とりま英語と和訳を置いておきます。(6/13 日本語字幕版公開を受け追記。The English transcript has been updated upon the release of Japanese subtitle version on Jun 13. The subtitles give a bit more information (and confusion) about the game, so here I summarize the new information below of this article. Whenever you want to use my translation, please make sure you show links to this article.)

私の聞き取りだけでなく他の方の聞き取り(Redditその他)も参考にしてるので書いてる部分は多分合ってるはず。6/13の日本語字幕を参考にさらに修正入れました。[ ]は人によって聞き取りが違うところや私の補足。和訳はあえて洋画風ではない感じにしてみた。英語の解説は最後に。この翻訳で知った情報を使う場合は必ずソースを明記してください。

リア: Sam “Porter” Bridges. The man who delivers. Tears. Chiral allergy. So, you have DOOMS, like me. What’s your level?
(PorterのSam Bridges。届ける男。涙。カイラル・アレルギー。つまり、あなたはDOOMSを持ってるんだね、私のように。あなたのレベルは?)

Sam: I’ve got the extinction factor, but I think you’ve got me beat.
(俺は絶滅因子[extinction factor]を持っている、が、君には負けると思う)

リア: You can see them, right?

Sam: No, but I can sense them.

リア: Wanna come work for me? It must be tough out here on your own.

Sam: I can’t help you with that. I make deliveries. That’s all.

リア: Heading into town? Watch yourself. Those things never stay gone for long.

リア: The time falls fast forwards whatever it touches, but it can’t wash everything away. The past just won’t let go. I’ll see you around, Sam “Porter” Bridges.
(時間[恐らくTimefallのTimeこと]は触れたもの全てに対して早く落ちる[fall]。でも全てのものを流し去ることはできない。過去はただされるがままではない。また会おう、PorterのSam Bridges)

Man: Sam, what is your status? Chiral intensity is still increasing.

Sam: My status is fucked. There’s tons of ’em.

Man: Can you sit out of the rain?

Sam: No, they’re closing in on my position. I have to move before they realize I’m in here.

Man2: Sam, if one of those things eats you, it’ll trigger a void-out. You’ll come back, sure, but the surrounding area will still be a crater.

Sam: I’ve got an idea.

リア: A cryptobiosis a day keeps the Timefall away.

リンゼイ: You’re too late. You still don’t know who I am, do you?

Sam: Who are you?


・「Sam Porter Bridges」は、通称を真ん中に入れるパターンの「PorterなSam Bridges」という意味かと思いますが違うかも。Bridgesも団体名かな?


・カイラル・アレルギー(Chiral allergy)の「カイラル(キラル)」は化学を学んだことあるなら知ってる不斉炭素の「キラル」。左右非対称性というか。日本語Wikiどうぞ。




・”My status is fucked.”は英語圏ファンにウケてました。何か使う機会あったらぜひ笑


・”A xxx a day keeps xxx away.”はよく使われる表現。「1日1個のリンゴが医者を遠ざける」とかの意味です。あの雨による時間の何かを、芋虫食べることで避けることができるようです。…芋虫も元は人間だったりして。


Summary of new information from Japanese subtitles
*Whenever you want to use my translation, please make sure you show links to this article.
*Some of the words have supplemental words written in small letters right over the words as you can see in the Japanese trailer below. Here I write such words with parentheses.

– “The man who delivers” was translated as “The legendary deliveryman.”

– “You have dooms like me” was translated as “You are 能力者 (DOOMS) like me.” The word “能力者” means “person who has a certain ability(s)”

– “You’ve got me beat” was translated as “Yours is superior to mine,” implying she also has the “extinction factor” and the “level” of the factor varies among DOOMS.

– “Heading into town” was translated as “Heading into town to deliver.”

– “Those things never stay gone for long.” was translated as “They seems to have gone.”

– “The time falls fast forwards whatever it touches” was translated as “The Timefall fasten the time of whom it touches”

– “Can you sit out of the rain?” was translated as “Can you get away with the rain (Timefall)?”

– “if one of those things eats you, it’ll trigger a void-out” was translated as “if they (BT) eat you, [you] will do 対消滅 (Void-Out).” The word “対消滅” is not a general Japanese, so what you can do is guess from these characters: “対” means “against” or “relative (as oppose to ‘absolute’)” and “消滅” means “disappear, vanish.” Well, I still have no idea about “対消滅” nor “BT” just like you all!

– “You’ll come back, sure” was translated as “You’ll come back, sure, because you’re returner.” RETURNED FROM WHAT??

– “A cryptobiosis a day keeps the Timefall away” was translated as “‘Cryptobiosis,’ which makes us tolerant to Timefall as well.” As well AS WHAT?