『Mads Mikkelsen Source』という伝説の大手ファンサイトさん

(英語併記。English follows Japanese.)

[2018/4/22追記 Added on April 22, 2018]
4/20に復活されました…!よかった…!このサイトを知らなかった方は、ぜひ行ってみてくださいね。 She’s come back online!😍 Welcome back! Go visit the website!

下記は復活される前に書いていた記事です。Below is the previous version of this article.

2013/6/11から2017年まで、マッツに関する色々な写真やインタビューをまとめてくれていた『Mads Mikkelsen Source』という大手のファンサイトがありました。しかし2017年に急に閉鎖され、今でもまだ復活していません。

■ Mads Mikkelsen Sourceさんとは
URL: http://madsmikkelsen.net/

■ 私が知ったことまとめ
・Lizさんのサイト上のgmailアドレスとドメイン情報にあったメアドにメールで2回コンタクトを取ってみていますが、何も反応はありません。Mailer daemonは来ないので届いてはいるはずですが。


もちろんサイト閉鎖の本当の理由は本人や近しい人しか知らないでしょうが、それでもマッツのファンが各所で無断転載しまくっている現状を踏まえると、さもありなんという気持ちです。Wayback Machineに大きな画像がほとんどないのも、そういうプログラム(クローラ)が画像を取得しないよう設定できるサービスを使用していたためなので、当時苦心されてたんだろうなと推察しています。無断転載することやソース明記しないことがなぜ/どのように良くないのか、改めてよく考えるべきに思うので、多分後日別途まとめます。(尚、画像拡散の目的でなかったことはskyさんに説明済みです。また、そういう人がいる可能性を考えていなかった下記文面を、一部削除などしてます)

■ そのサイトを見る方法
Googleのキャッシュは残っていませんでした(もう少し早く動けば残ってたと思うので悔やまれます)。が、Wayback Machineという色々なwebページを片っ端から保存していくサービスにはある程度残っていました。Wayback Machineに保存されたページを見る方法をまとめますので、気になる方はご自身で色々探してみてください。

Wayback Machineは非営利団体がWeb上のものを片っ端から集めて保存してくれているサービス。このサイトの画像や情報を見ることができて嬉しい方は、ぜひ少額でもいいので寄付してください

※この記事は当時のMads Sourceさんの情報を探している方が眺めるために書いています。SNSやそれ以外も含め、どこにもそれらの画像を無断転載されないよう強くお願いいたします。心無いファンによる有料画像の無断転載もこのサイトの閉鎖の一因だと思われるので、今回さらにそのような行為をする方は、ご自身が本当に人間性の低いみっともない生き物なんだと自覚されてください。

残念ながら、Wayback Machine上は大きなサイズの画像はほぼ皆無でした。が、サムネイルならかなり保存されています。Wayback Machineに保存されているサムネイルを一気に確認するにはここで一覧の右上にある『Filter results (i.e. ‘.txt’):』の隣に「image/」と入力すればサムネイルのURLが一覧で出てきます。


Wayback Machineは1つのページでも様々な時点で保存している場合が多いです。毎回保存の程度にばらつきがある(HTMLのみだったり画像までしっかり保存されてたり)ので、下記の方法で色々探すのがおすすめです。

目的のページのURLをWayback Machineで検索。右上の黒い棒グラフ(①)が、Wayback Machineがページを保存した時期を示すもの。


せっかくの素敵なサイトが前触れなく閉鎖されて結構悲しかった人も多かったはず。Wayback Machineで当時の雰囲気を思い出したりできるのいいですよね。こんな充実しまくってるサイトが閉鎖したのほんともったいない。。
Wayback Machineもいつまであるか分からない(削除依頼を出されたら消える)ので、何か発掘したいものがある方はお早めに。




As many of Mads’ fans still remember, once there was a huge fansite called “Mads Mikkelsen Source (Mads Source)” where you could enjoy bunch of his photos, interviews, etc. from 11 June, 2013 to late 2017. But the website was shut down all of a sudden in late 2017, and has never come back. Here I show you what I’ve found out about the website and how to find its remnants.

■ What was “Mads Mikkelsen Source”?
URL: http://madsmikkelsen.net/
It was a big fansite where you could enjoy lots of his photos, interviews, etc. from 2013 to late 2017. It also had a Twitter and Instagram accounts, but both are inactive now as well. The website’s owner was Liz.

■ What I have found out so far
– The status of the domain name has been renewed in August 2017. It seems she was willing to keep the website at least at that time.
– I could find some personal information of Liz as well.
– So I tried to reach Liz by sending two emails; one to the gmail address shown on the website and the other to the email address registered as a contact regarding the domain name. But I’ve got no responses so far. I believe both emails have arrived in her inboxes because I’ve got no mailer-daemon emails.

[Added on 10 Mar, 2018]
After posting this article, a Japanese person called “sky” let me know what sky knows about Liz as follows. (Sky allowed me to share this story using screenshots.)

According to sky, most of the large-sized pictures on the website were actually the items Liz purchased, and she was seriously annoyed by unauthorized copying/reproducing of them by rude people. To avoid those infringements, she tried to take countermeasures but could hardly manage the website because of her health problems…
Although we don’t know the true reason of the site shut-down, it’s very possible the unauthorized copying/posting of the pictures discouraged her from keeping the website go on because, you know, we can easily find such rude people on every SNS. That is one of the things I feel sad with this fandom. I’ve never experienced that in other fandoms…

■ How to find the remnants of the website
Unfortunately, Google caches of the website was no longer available (I deeply regret I couldn’t work for this earlier. I could have found some nice caches on Google…) BUT, there is a wonderful website called Wayback Machine, which collects incredible number of webpages around the world, and yes, there are lots of archives of Mads Source as well!🙌 Since it’s a bit tricky to find a page you want to see, here I summarize how to dig in the website.

Before you go: Please consider donation to Wayback Machine ($5~). Without their activities, we couldn’t have enjoyed all those photos and interviews today.

How to find photos
*Please note that you should not upload any of the archived images on the internet including SNS. I strongly condemn those kinds of acts especially now that I’ve got the information that one of the possible reasons of the website shut-down was unauthorized copying/reproduction of her purchased photos by rude, ignorant people as explained above. This article was written ONLY FOR RESPECTFUL, MATURE FANS, not for the rude people.

Unfortunately, there are a small number of large-sized photos in the archives, but still, there are (literally) thousands of thumbnails stored. You can see the list of URLs of archived thumbnails by entering “image/” in the “Filter results (i.e. ‘.txt’):” column on this page.

How to find the interview section
Here you go!

How to find other pages
Wayback Machine often archives a page more than once on different dates. How well a page is stored varies depending on the dates (e.g. It archives all the images on a page one day, while it stores only HTML of the same page on another day). So you should check several archives for one page to find the complete version. Below is the actual flow to do that.

– Search the URL on Wayback Machine. The black bars (①) on the top chart mean the dates when Wayback Machine archived the page.
– Click a bar you want to look into. The calendar of the year you’ve chosen will appear below the chart.
– Click any circled date (in light blue; ②), which means the page was archived on the date. The date circled in green will redirect you to a same page saved on a different date.

You can possibly go to another archived page just by clicking a link on a archived page. Give it a try.

For many of us who miss the website, it’s really nice we can remember the website by looking around the archives.

I can’t tell how long those archives on Wayback Machine are available (because if someone rightful asks them to delete the archives, they’ll remove all the archives immediately). So if you have something you want to check, you should start this moment.

*In case Liz notices this article: I’m the one who sent two emails from Japan a few month ago. I’m still waiting for your reply, but please take your time. If you want me to do anything for you including any changes on this article, please feel free to contact me as a reply to the emails.

*Also in case Mads Mikkelsen Argentine notices: I also miss you! I just hope you’re doing well.